Clinical Development

Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

Customer-Centric and Globally Adaptive DCT Solutions.

Delivering a Wide Range of Virtual and Hybrid Approaches to Decentralized Clinical Trials

We offer flexible solutions for digital and decentralized clinical development. Our DCT solutions leverage in-house expertise, including eConsent, TeleVisit, Direct-to-Patient Supply, etc., as well as cutting-edge technologies such as RBQM, eCPM, and ePay. These comprehensive solutions guide you through the planning, operation, and delivery of decentralized clinical trials. Our experience includes over 200+ clinical trials using a DCT hybrid model, spanning the full research spectrum of indications, including oncology, vaccines, infectious diseases, and more.

Clinical trials incorporate elements of DCT
Tigermed's on-going clinical trials incorporating DCT elements

Tigermed DCT Platform

Out-of-hospital Solutions


Enhance subjects’ adherence, drug traceability and study blinding controls.


Enhance subjects compliance, data quality, and efficiency.


Reduce subjects' financial burden with timely payments, assurance of a secured payment system, and fair compensation.

DHT/Digital Medicine

Improve the efficiency of clinical trials.


Enhance study quality and cost savings

In-hospital Solutions

Integration of EMR and EDC

Enhances data quality and governance efficiency, expedites progress, and reduce costs.

AI Follow-up

Boosts patient engagement through AI, leading to improved efficiency, data quality, and cost savings.


Enhance data compliance and quality.


Facilitates communication between Principal Investigators (PIs) and subjects.


Empowers subjects to make fully informed decisions.

Tigermed DCT Complete Map

Unifying Connections for Improved Data Quality and Enhanced Patient Experiences


A digital trial that facilitates participant access, diminishing the significance of their geographical location or workplace.

Participant Centricity

Digital trials aim to enhance the participant experience, simplifying the process for individuals to join and successfully complete a trial.


Through digitization and process simplification, digital trials aim to decrease trial duration and costs, and promoting higher rates of trial completion.


Digital trials are enabled by a direct exchange of information between systems.


Embracing a customer-centric approach, to provide customers with tailored services and solutions.

In China For Global

To provide cutting-edge concepts, approaches and technologies for clinical trials to customers worldwide.

Adaptability and Flexibility

To provide solutions that accommodate the diverse requirement of various countries and regions, cater to different types of clinical trials, and demonstrate flexibility.

Global Regulatory Handbook of
Decentralized Clinical Trials

Download the DCT Report

2021 泰格医药可持续发展报告暨环境、社会与公司治理报告



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